
Brad McMahan Brad McMahan

Holy Shift! (Week 6): Shift From Casual To Close


Nothing kills a relationship faster than lack of communication. It's through the practice of prayer that we cultivate and grow in our relationship with God. Praying helps us to shift from a casual relationship with God to one that's close.

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Brad McMahan Brad McMahan

Holy Shift! (Week 5): Shift From Careless Greed to Courageous Generosity


We create space for God in our lives, through the practice of tithing. Courageous Generosity is a central and essential act of faith that cultivates spiritual growth. Tithing is not merely as a financial obligation, but a spiritual exercise that shifts our attitude from ownership to stewardship, promoting a mindset of courageous generosity. Our resources belong to God and by actively participating in tithing we reflect God’s heart by caring for and providing for others like He would.

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Brad McMahan Brad McMahan

Holy Shift! (Week 4): Shift from Ragged to Rested

Sermon Summary:

The sermon this week emphasizes the importance of understanding holiness and sanctification as practical aspects of daily living. Engaging in sacred practices like fasting, Sabbath, tithing, and prayer helps individuals shift away from sin while moving towards the abundant life God promises. This week focuses on the concept of Sabbath, highlighting that true intimacy with God leads to genuine rest rather than a mere pause from work. Ultimately, we are encouraged to prioritize rest as a reflection of our love for God and a pathway to fulfill our divine purpose.

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Brad McMahan Brad McMahan

Holy Shift! (Week 3): Shift from Captives to Conquerors

Sermon Summary:

What if your struggles against sin aren’t a sign that something is wrong, but instead are a sign that something is right? Spiritually dead people don’t fight against sin in their lives. They don’t join Jesus in reclaiming the territory within their hearts and minds. Jesus didn’t set us free from the fight, He set us free for the fight. There is holiness in our struggle against sin.

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Sermons Brad McMahan Sermons Brad McMahan

Holy Shift! (Week 2): Shift from Ruined to Royalty

In today's sermon, Pastor Brad emphasized the profound holiness of God and how it shapes our understanding of our relationship with Him. He highlighted that God's holiness is unique and set apart, and it is through God's grace, mercy, and justice that we are redeemed from our sinful nature. Pastor Brad encouraged the congregation to embrace the rhythms of holy living, which reflects God's character and draws others to Him. Ultimately, he reminded us that we are called to live out this holiness, not as a means of superiority, but to bring hope and healing to a broken world, illustrating this through the work of organizations like Safe Passage that support victims of exploitation.

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Brad McMahan Brad McMahan

Holy Shift! (Week 1): Learning to Drive Stick


Even though it’s a bit of a stretch, there’s a parallel between driving a stick shift and understanding God's holiness. Both require practice and familiarization with new rhythms. Holiness is not about being better than others, instead it’s all about reflecting the reality of God's unique goodness in all aspects of life, showcasing how God chooses to dwell among messy people rather than perfect ones. We embody holiness through love and obedience which brings about a shift in our lives and points others to the unique love and goodness of God.


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Brad McMahan Brad McMahan

Un-Decorated (Christmas Eve Eve): Peace | Simeon


God’s Un-Decorated Peace doesn’t remove us from the conflict and tension happening around us. Instead, it brings wholeness and completeness in the midst of it all. God’s Un-Decorated Peace arrives as promised, but often in ways we least expect.

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Brad McMahan Brad McMahan

Un-Decorated (Week 3): Joy | The Shepherds


Un-Decorated Joy is not an emotion tied to our situations and circumstances, instead it is a mindset, attitude, and posture of our hearts, minds, and souls that goes beyond and is ever-present in spite of our situations and circumstances.

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Brad McMahan Brad McMahan

Un-Decorated (Week 2): Un-Decorated Hope | Jesus’ Birth


Un-Decorated Hope points us to the fact that God chooses people we’d never choose, to do things we never thought possible, in ways we never considered. We can’t allow our assumptions and expectations about God cause us to miss out on what He’s doing among us, in us, and through us.

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Brad McMahan Brad McMahan

Un-Decorated (Week 1): Un-Decorated Love | Mary & Joseph


This week, we explored the deeper, often messy truths behind our decorated lives and the Christmas story. We tend to cover up our brokenness with superficial appearances, leading to scarcity and isolation during a season that's meant to remind us of abundance and ecnourage togetherness. In the true and un-decorated story of Mary and Joseph, we can see that God chooses imperfect, undecorated people for His plans, and that nothing is impossible with Him. God's love is unconditional and transformative. He invites us into authentic community with Him and with one another.

5X5 Devotional:

Click HERE to download this week’s 5X5 Devotional (Reading the Bible and praying 5 min per day for 5 days can make a ton of difference in your life.)

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Sermons Brad McMahan Sermons Brad McMahan

Thrill Ride (Week 4): The End Of The Ride

David, faced immense challenges—from being hunted as a young man to experiencing personal failures as a king. Despite David's flaws and the turbulence of his life, he was known as "a man after God's own heart" because of his genuine willingness to invite God into his circumstances. David’s last words express his gratitude for God's unwavering faithfulness throughout every moment of his life. David recognizes where God has been present, even in hardship. The same is true for us. We too can express gratitude for every moment of our lives as we grow to embrace and trust the promises of a faithful God.

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Sermons Brad McMahan Sermons Brad McMahan

Thrill Ride (Week 3): The Loop


In this sermon, Casey uses the analogy of a rollercoaster to describe the ups and downs of life, highlighting how we can sometimes choose our paths and at other times be thrust into challenging situations beyond our control. He reflects on the story of David and Bathsheba, illustrating how choices driven by neglecting accountability and responsibility can lead to significant consequences not just for ourselves but for others as well. Pastor Casey emphasizes the importance of repentance and recognizing our mistakes early, encouraging the congregation not to wait until they are in crisis to turn to God for help. Ultimately, he reassures that God desires to offer forgiveness and restoration, urging everyone to bring their struggles to Him and seek His guidance.

5X5 Challenge:

Click HERE to download this weeks 5X5 Devotional. “5X5” stands for 5 minutes of reading, reflecting, and praying per day for 5 days.

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Sermons Brad McMahan Sermons Brad McMahan

Thrill Ride (Week 2): The Climb & The DroP

The challenges we face in our daily lives often cause us to feel as if we're on an "emotional rollercoaster." Our feelings hijack our sense of well-being and decision-making, often leaving us unaware of the impact this has on both ourselves and those around us. We must learn to acknowledge our emotional nature and navigate our feelings in alignment with God's design. Through David's encounter with Goliath, we learn that through faith that we can face our fears and challenges. David's authenticity, reliance on God, and willingness to confront his giant in his own skin aren't examples of fearlessness, but rather serve as a reflection of David's faith and confidence in God to provide and care for him in the face of overwhelming odds. David wasn't fearless, but rather because of his faith, he feared less.

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Brad McMahan Brad McMahan

Thrill Ride (Week 1): Waiting In Line

Sermon Summary:

Today, we are beginning a new series that explores our emotions and feelings in light of our faith, using the life of David as a guide. We see in David's life that we can express our feelings authentically while remaining rooted in faith. This week we are unpacking the significance of waiting in life’s uncertainties, as exemplified by Samuel’s and David’s experiences, emphasizing that God is at work even in periods of stillness. We see what worship looks like during waiting, trusting God’s process and provision as He prepares us for our purpose.

5X5 Challenge:

Click HERE for this week’s 5X5 Challenge (5 min per day for 5 days)

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Brad McMahan Brad McMahan

We, The Kingdom…(Week 8): Kingdom Character


In the conclusion of the series "We, the Kingdom", Brad emphasizes the transformative nature of Jesus' teachings, highlighting that they are often challenging and can feel overwhelming. He argues that true understanding of righteousness is not about adhering to rules, but about embodying the character of Jesus in our lives. Jesus offers an invitation to rethink our approach to living, prioritizing our inner transformation rather than mere behavioral compliance. Ultimately, the objective is to reflect the goodness of God through our character, enabling us to respond to chaos with love and righteousness in our actions.

5x5 Challenge:

Click HERE to download this week’s 5X5 Challenge (5 min per day for 5 days).

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Sermons Brad McMahan Sermons Brad McMahan

We, The Kingdom…(Week 7): Kingdom Covenant | Vows & Oaths

Sermon Summary:

Jesus opens the doors of His kingdom, offering a new way of life to those who have been deemed by the world to be unworthy. Accepting Jesus means recognizing Him as both Savior and Lord, which involves a choice between continually submitting to worldly powers or embracing the transformative life found in Jesus’ kingdom. Jesus speaks openly about the pressures and oppositions believers will face while living in a culture that often contradicts His values. Jesus urges us to remain steadfast and courageous, by reminding us that He has already conquered the world. Because of that, we are freed up to live in such a way that our Kingdom values transcend partisan agendas. Our word (a simple yes or no) should stand on our character because it is being shaped and molded into the image and likeness of our King. According to Jesus, attempting to use God's name or His word to manipulate people for personal or political gain, is not only a form of lying, it is a diabolical evil that makes God an accomplice to an intentional act of injustice.

5x5 Devotional:

Click HERE for this week’s 5X5 (5 min a day for 5 days) devotional.

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Brad McMahan Brad McMahan

We, The Kingdom…(Week 6): Kingdom Concern | Adultery & Lust


Jesus’ teaching from the "Sermon on the Mount," reveals the stark contrast between God's Kingdom and cultural norms concerning sexuality and moral integrity. Jesus raises the standard of purity, asserting that lustful thoughts are equivalent to adultery, calling for a deeper understanding of our heart's condition rather than mere compliance with the law. Healthy sexual intimacy is sacred and intended to reflect God's design for relationships. This is why Jesus strongly condemns the objectification (seeing someONE as someTHING) that can arise from lust. Ultimately, Jesus encourages His listeners to take drastic measures against harmful thoughts and habits that degrade personal and relational integrity, advocating for a radical transformation in their understanding of sexual desires as both precious and sacred.

5x5 Devotional:

Click HERE for this week’s 5X5 (5 min per day for 5 days) devotional

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Brad McMahan Brad McMahan

We, The Kingdom…(Week 5): Kingdom COnflict | Anger & Murder


While the beginning of the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5:1 - 20) serves as a preamble to Jesus' Kingdom Constitution, what follows functions more like the Kingdom's Bill of Rights. Jesus establishes a new culture emphasizing truth over technicalities, specifically addressing how anger can lead to contempt and harm to ourselves and others. According to Jesus contemptuous anger is equally as serious as Murder. Both reveal the heart’s condition toward others and our belief that we have the authority to devalue the worth and dignity of another person.  Reconciliation and resolution underscore the importance of recognizing the true worth of others by demonstrating love and actively seeking to mend relationships by prioritizing the care and dignity of those around us.

5X5 Challenge (5 min a day for 5 days)

Click HERE to download this week’s 5x5 Challenge

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Brad McMahan Brad McMahan

We, The Kingdom…(Week 4): Kingdom Convention


Jesus came bringing clarity to confusion, providing answers to life's big questions by teaching about the nature of God's kingdom and the true meaning of righteousness. As disciples, we cannot seek fulfillment in political systems but must live as citizens of God's kingdom, offering peace and joy that transcends worldly struggles. We must respond to Jesus’ higher calling and live for something greater than a 2 party system.

5X5 Challenge:

This challenge is designed to take around 5 min per day for 5 days. Click HERE to download this week’s challenge.

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Brad McMahan Brad McMahan

We, The Kingdom…(Week 3): Kingdom Calling | Salt & LIght

Sermon Summary:

As Kingdom citizens, believers are called to be salt and light in society, promoting the King's agenda and manifesting goodness in a world filled with darkness. Jesus' message about the Kingdom was revolutionary, challenging the oppressive systems of the Roman Empire and calling for active participation in God's redemptive work. The metaphors of salt and light serve to illustrate the distinct role of followers of Jesus in cultivating hope and positive change in their communities through their actions. Ultimately, believers must embrace their calling because neglecting this responsibility leads to cultural suffering and disconnection from God's purpose.

5X5 Challenge:

Click HERE for this weeks 5X5 challenge (5 min per day for 5 days)

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 For previous sermons, go here