
Sermons Brad McMahan Sermons Brad McMahan

Ethos (Week 3): The Way of Courageous Sacrifice

This week focuses primarily on the Biblical ordinances of tithing and sacrificial giving, emphasizing that it's not merely a financial action but a spiritual discipline that cultivates courage, unselfishness, and sacrifice. Tithing is about giving 10% of income to the church, rooted in faithfulness and obedience to God. This week delves into biblical origins of tithing and sacrificial giving and emphasizing the importance of sacrificial giving in protecting one's heart and soul. Through tithing, individuals honor God's ownership, demonstrate faith, and experience blessings through faithful giving.

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Sermons Brad McMahan Sermons Brad McMahan

Ethos (Week 2): The Way of Radical Stewardship

The sermon "Radical Stewardship" delves into the importance of ethos in our lives, specifically focusing on our attitude towards money and possessions. It contrasts ownership and stewardship mindsets, emphasizing that all resources belong to God and should be used to meet the needs of others. The sermon stresses that faith and faithfulness are crucial in stewardship, leading to true peace, joy, and satisfaction. It explores the impact of different economic ideologies on our ethos and concludes by urging a shift towards a stewardship mindset for a fulfilling and purposeful life.

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Sermons Brad McMahan Sermons Brad McMahan

Ethos (Week 1): The Way of Warrior Disciples

In the sermon "The Way of Warrior Disciples," we explore the concept of Ethos and its significance in the Christian faith. Ethos refers to the spirit, character, and customs of a community. The sermon highlights the transformation of Jesus' disciples from fearful and doubtful individuals to courageous and bold warrior disciples due to His resurrection. Through faith and discipleship, one can reshape their ethos, breaking away from pain and struggle, to find satisfaction and peace. The vehicle that Jesus used to wage war on the enemies of our hearts and the strongholds they create was money. Jesus warns against trying to serve both God and money and states that it's impossible to try serve both. He explains that where our treasure is, is where our hearts will be also. For Jesus, money wasn't a finance issue, it was a faith issue. Stewardship and generosity don't merely fund the church, but instead they are disciplines and training exercises that are directly tied to growing and strengthening our faith.

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Sermons Brad McMahan Sermons Brad McMahan

High re/Solution (Week 6): Resolve to be Relationally Intentional

This sermon discusses the discipline of relational intentionality in fostering transformation and connection. It acknowledges the failure of typical resolutions and suggests that the problem lies in our method of change. Jesus' life and teachings are used as examples of intentional practices that shaped his character. Relational intentionality involves actively seeking connections with others, following Jesus' example of presence, connection, and commitment. The sermon challenges the congregation to apply this discipline to their own lives, nurturing relationships and fostering a community of love and transformation.

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Sermons Brad McMahan Sermons Brad McMahan

High Re/Solution (Week 5): Re/Solve to Worship God

This week we're unpacking the importance of worship in our lives. Exaltation (worship) is one of the disciplines that Jesus practiced and taught. Worshiping Him, keeps us close to Him and leads us to a secure and fulfilling life. True worship involves revering God and acknowledging the truth about ourselves and the truth about God. By continually practicing worship in spirit and truth, we can experience a transformative connection with God that brings acceptance and restoration.

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Sermons Brad McMahan Sermons Brad McMahan

High Re/Solution (Week 4): Resolve to Become Word Centered

This week we are exploring the concept of being word centered. Brad used the analogy of climbing Mount Everest to emphasizes that disciplines are training activities that enable us to do what we couldn't do just by trying harder. Brad discussed the significance of abiding in Jesus' word, explaining that it allows us to experience truth, freedom, love, and bear fruit that brings glory to God. Brad cautioned against relying solely on increased knowledge of the Bible and challenged us to center our lives on the truth of Scripture and actively align our lives with it.

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Sermons Brad McMahan Sermons Brad McMahan

High Re/Solution (Week 3): Resolve to be Obedient

This week emphasizes the importance of true discipleship and obedience in the life of a Christian and poses the question of how many problems would be solved if Christians practiced the disciplines of Jesus. We explore the challenging aspect of obedience and highlights Jesus' uncompromising stance on it in discipleship. Discipleship requires complete obedience and aligning oneself with the purposes and will of God. Ultimately, we must examine our own lives and strive for true discipleship through obedience to Jesus.

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Brad McMahan Brad McMahan

High Five - We Join The Movement

Jesus came to start a Gospel movement of multiplication through disciple making. We are commissioned and equipped to join His movement today.

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