The Thing Beneath The Thing - Grace
Grace is a gift from God, given through Jesus. It is what brings full transformation into our lives. But we must let grace find us and find us out.
The Thing Beneath The Thing - Narratives
People are "meaning making machines.” We use stories to make sense of the world around us. The problem is, those stories are usually one sided, worst case scenarios, and are seldom true.
The Thing Beneath The Thing - Insecurity
When our insecurity hijacks our identity we must remember who's we are, the truth about how God feels about us, and who He says we are.
The Thing Beneath The Thing - Hideouts
When our emotions and feelings become overwhelming we often run away and hide. God comes to us in our hideouts asking: “What are you doing here?”
The Thing Beneath THe Thing - Triggers
Within each of us is a collection of key moments we've carried under a shroud of shame and secrecy. Triggers are the emotions that surround those moments.
The Thing Beneath The Thing - Why Are You The Way That You Are?
We usually find ourselves either protecting or hiding behind what our lives look like on the surface, while pushing down and hiding what lives below.