Holy Shift! (Week 2): Shift from Ruined to Royalty
In today's sermon, Pastor Brad emphasized the profound holiness of God and how it shapes our understanding of our relationship with Him. He highlighted that God's holiness is unique and set apart, and it is through God's grace, mercy, and justice that we are redeemed from our sinful nature. Pastor Brad encouraged the congregation to embrace the rhythms of holy living, which reflects God's character and draws others to Him. Ultimately, he reminded us that we are called to live out this holiness, not as a means of superiority, but to bring hope and healing to a broken world, illustrating this through the work of organizations like Safe Passage that support victims of exploitation.
The Fruit Of The Spirit (Week 5): Kindness
This week begins with a very exciting announcement before we unpack the fruit of kindness. Kindness shows up in our lives through authenticity (truth) and empathy (grace).
UnCanceled (Week 4) - Caught In The Act
Would you like to rethink your life knowing that Jesus has canceled condemnation?