High Re/Solution (Week 5): Re/Solve to Worship God
This week we're unpacking the importance of worship in our lives. Exaltation (worship) is one of the disciplines that Jesus practiced and taught. Worshiping Him, keeps us close to Him and leads us to a secure and fulfilling life. True worship involves revering God and acknowledging the truth about ourselves and the truth about God. By continually practicing worship in spirit and truth, we can experience a transformative connection with God that brings acceptance and restoration.
High Re/Solution (Week 2): Pray Like (who) Jesus (Was)
Jesus' discipline of prayer doesn't just teach us to pray how He prayed, it teaches how to become a praying person like Jesus was.
High Resolution (Week 1): Discipline Equals Freedom
By engaging in spiritual disciplines such as prayer, obedience, centering on the Word, worship, and relational intentionality, true transformation can occur.
Christmas Eve Eve
At Christmas, we celebrate the moment when the truth of Jesus’ abundance broke into our reality of scarcity.
Jesus Christ: SuperStore (Week 3) - “The Jesus I want”
Sometimes the Jesus we want doesn't line up with the Jesus that actually is. When this happens we run the risk of rejecting the real Jesus and going with a version of Jesus that we make up for ourselves.
Jesus Christ: Superstore (Week 2) - Ingredient Jesus
The sermon "Ingredient Jesus" discusses how our society is consumed by endless choices, leading to decision fatigue and a distorted view of Jesus. Many treat their faith like a spiritual buffet, picking and choosing only what suits them. Others have been hurt by false representations of Jesus and fear making another wrong choice. The goal is to encounter the real Jesus by surrendering our self-made idols. Jesus offers a unique, genuine, and abundant life that can only be found by making Him the main ingredient in our lives.
Click HERE for this week’s study guide and group discussion questions.
Jesus Christ: Superstore (Week 1) - “Backup Plan Jesus”
In this sermon, Pastor Brad McMahan discusses how people often settle for counterfeit versions of Jesus in their faith. He emphasizes the desire for a personalized Jesus and the dangers of idolatry. Pastor Brad uses anecdotes and biblical references to illustrate the importance of encountering the real Jesus and allowing Him to transform our lives completely. He concludes by challenging the idea of Jesus being a backup plan and emphasizes Jesus' desire for a central role in our lives.
Click HERE for this week’s study guide and discussion questions
A House On Fire (Week 2) - The Front Door
In the sermon "The Front Door", Brad talked about the importance of building our lives on Jesus' teachings and that means taking action and doing something about what Jesus says is good, right, true, and best when it comes to how we live. When it comes to the "front door" of our homes (our lives) the role (what the front door is) and the responsibilities (what the front door does) lies in the hands of Men, who must fulfill their role as providers and protectors in their families, emphasizing strength and selflessness.
A House On Fire (Week 1) - The Foundation
In "The Foundation" sermon, Pastor Brad McMahan emphasizes building our lives on Jesus' teachings. Jesus' parable of building on rock or sand illustrates the importance of putting His words into practice. We must actively align our will with God's and reflect on whether our lives are built on a solid foundation.
Do The Work (Week 4) - We Join The Movement
Joining Jesus' disciple making movement means we have to first take responsibility to be disciples.
UnCanceled (Week 9) - The Outcasts
We don't change in order to be accepted by God. We are accepted by God because of Jesus and that causes us to change.
UnCanceled (Week 8) - Lost People
Jesus left heaven and came to earth to seek and save those who are lost. For many of us, the reason we assume Jesus is mad at us, is the exact reason He searches for us.
UnCanceled (Week 7) - The Lost Causes
While people may seem too broken, too messy, and too far gone to us, there’s no such thing as a “lost cause” to Jesus
UnCanceled (Week 6) - Born Into Blindness
No matter what other people say, do, or think, when Jesus gets involved the stories of our lives count, matter, and cannot be canceled.
UnCAnceled (Week 3) - The Woman At The Well
Those who have been canceled by their pasts can become those who lead others to Jesus.
UnCanceled (Week 2) - Jesus UnCancels The Party
Would you like to rethink your life in light of the fact that Jesus removes the threat of disgrace?
UnCanceled (Week 1) - Discipleship
Jesus Un-Cancels the opportunity and possibility of being disciples and stepping into discipleship for those who have been rejected, revoked, and invalidated.
He Gets Us - Palm Sunday
Palm Sunday is the reminder that Jesus gets us in every way so that we can get Him in everything.
Man UP! - Protect Your House (Week 7)
As men, we've been called to build a spiritual house and protect it from the schemes of the devil.