Say “Yes!” (Week 3): We Step Into The Mess
Saying “Yes!” in obedience when it comes to stepping into the mess of other people’s lives and living on mission means that instead of asking “Who is my neighbor?” we must ask “Who am I neighboring?”
Say “Yes!” (Week 1): We Live The Way
Obedience is the vehicle that brings our values and priorities into alignment with Jesus.
Do The Work (Week 5) - We Live The Way
We live the way of Jesus and in the truth of His word.
Do The Work (Week 2) - We Are Better Together
Compassion leads to responsibility, which leads to a willing spirit that takes action in the lives of others.
the Monster Squad - Envy
Envy puts us in competition with everyone around us. Envy chokes the good in and the good for others while destroying the joy and the goodness in us. The way we kill envy is with Courageous Generosity.
High Five - We’re Better Together
We read in the Bible that God didn't create us to do life alone. We are designed to partner together. But what does that really look like?
High FIve - We Live The Way
Jesus lived the way. He lived connected to The Word, under the authority of God, in the desires of God, and empowered by the Spirit of God. We do the same.