High re/Solution (Week 6): Resolve to be Relationally Intentional
This sermon discusses the discipline of relational intentionality in fostering transformation and connection. It acknowledges the failure of typical resolutions and suggests that the problem lies in our method of change. Jesus' life and teachings are used as examples of intentional practices that shaped his character. Relational intentionality involves actively seeking connections with others, following Jesus' example of presence, connection, and commitment. The sermon challenges the congregation to apply this discipline to their own lives, nurturing relationships and fostering a community of love and transformation.
Supernatural (week 3) - A Real Relationship
In this sermon, Matt explores the Holy Spirit and how to develop a genuine relationship with Him. By understanding the cultural context of the Bible, we can better grasp the significance of God's interaction with humanity. The sermon traces God's plan for reconciliation and restoration throughout history, highlighting Jesus' role in bringing God's presence back to His creation. Matt encourages believers to actively cultivate a dynamic relationship with the Holy Spirit, recognizing that it requires intentional effort and communication. He also invites non-believers to accept Jesus and experience the gift of the Holy Spirit.
A House On Fire (Week 8) - As For Me & My House
Pastor Brad McMahan concluded the sermon series "A House On Fire" with a message titled "As For Me & My House." McMahan discussed the importance of building our lives on a solid foundation with God, referencing Jesus' Sermon on the Mount and its teachings on various topics. He highlighted that a life built with God offers true peace and security, even in the face of storms and fires. To conclude the series, McMahan called for the congregation to make a declaration of commitment, symbolized by choosing who they would serve.
A House On Fire (Week 4) - Home Invaders
The sermon "Home Invaders" emphasizes building our lives on a solid foundation and protecting our homes from spiritual invaders. It explores the roles and responsibilities of men and women in the home, highlighting the importance of providing, protecting, and regulating God's image and likeness. The sermon warns against pride and apathy as destructive home invaders. Believers are called to be vigilant and resist these invaders, ensuring that their lives and relationships are grounded in God's truth and protected from destruction.
A House On Fire (Week 2) - The Front Door
In the sermon "The Front Door", Brad talked about the importance of building our lives on Jesus' teachings and that means taking action and doing something about what Jesus says is good, right, true, and best when it comes to how we live. When it comes to the "front door" of our homes (our lives) the role (what the front door is) and the responsibilities (what the front door does) lies in the hands of Men, who must fulfill their role as providers and protectors in their families, emphasizing strength and selflessness.
A House On Fire (Week 1) - The Foundation
In "The Foundation" sermon, Pastor Brad McMahan emphasizes building our lives on Jesus' teachings. Jesus' parable of building on rock or sand illustrates the importance of putting His words into practice. We must actively align our will with God's and reflect on whether our lives are built on a solid foundation.
High Five - We Bring Hope To Everyone
We believe that The Gospel is best shared in and through intentional relationships. Everyone deserves a chance to hear about the amazing love of Jesus.