Say “Yes!” (Week 3): We Step Into The Mess
Saying “Yes!” in obedience when it comes to stepping into the mess of other people’s lives and living on mission means that instead of asking “Who is my neighbor?” we must ask “Who am I neighboring?”
Say “Yes!” (Week 2): We Are Better Together
We were not created to "do life" alone. Part of our very good (as it's meant to be) design is to be in authentic community with others.
Say “Yes!” (Week 1): We Live The Way
Obedience is the vehicle that brings our values and priorities into alignment with Jesus.
High Re/Solution (Week 3): Resolve to be Obedient
This week emphasizes the importance of true discipleship and obedience in the life of a Christian and poses the question of how many problems would be solved if Christians practiced the disciplines of Jesus. We explore the challenging aspect of obedience and highlights Jesus' uncompromising stance on it in discipleship. Discipleship requires complete obedience and aligning oneself with the purposes and will of God. Ultimately, we must examine our own lives and strive for true discipleship through obedience to Jesus.