Say “Yes!” (Week 3): We Step Into The Mess
Saying “Yes!” in obedience when it comes to stepping into the mess of other people’s lives and living on mission means that instead of asking “Who is my neighbor?” we must ask “Who am I neighboring?”
Say “Yes!” (Week 2): We Are Better Together
We were not created to "do life" alone. Part of our very good (as it's meant to be) design is to be in authentic community with others.
Say “Yes!” (Week 1): We Live The Way
Obedience is the vehicle that brings our values and priorities into alignment with Jesus.
The Fruit Of The Spirit (Week 9): Gentleness & Self-control
Gentleness & Self-Control are the mindset and the muscle that bring our passions and desires into alignment with the passions and desires of Jesus.
The Fruit Of The Spirit (Week 8): Faithfulness
In order for faithfulness to be born in our character and integrity, we must allow Jesus into every part of who we are, not just the parts that we like and accept.
The Fruit of The Spirit (Week 7): Cultivation Participation
This week we are pressing pause on unpacking the individual elements within The Fruit of The Spirit, to talk about the lifelong partnership between Jesus and us in cultivating fruit in our lives.
The Fruit of the Spirit (Week 6): Goodness
This week, special guest Rick Kyle walks us through what it looks like to bear the fruit of Goodness in our lives.
The Fruit Of The Spirit (Week 5): Kindness
This week begins with a very exciting announcement before we unpack the fruit of kindness. Kindness shows up in our lives through authenticity (truth) and empathy (grace).
The Fruit of The SPirit (Week 4): Patience
When our lives are rooted in the Holy Spirit, the fruit of patience is born in contentment and compassion.
The Fruit Of The Spirit (Week 3): Joy & Peace
Jesus once told a story about "healthy" and "diseased" trees to help us get a better idea about the current state of our lives and also to point us toward God's desire for us to bear the fruit of the Spirit. The Fruit of The Spirit are not circumstantial or influenced by emotions; instead, they are the outcome of deep-rooted faith that can flourish regardless of our life situations. Joy differs from happiness; rather, it has its roots firmly planted in the certainty of our relationship with God, ensuring its existence even amid trials. Peace, is not just the absence of conflict. It indicates a state of completeness that arises when one is firmly rooted in the Holy Spirit—real peace results in reconciliation and unity. Active peacemakers, intervene in situations of conflict to restore what's broken.
The Fruit Of The Spirit (Week 2): Love
In Week 2 of our series on The Fruit of The Spirit, we unpacked the importance of being rooted in the Holy Spirit and bearing Holy Spirit fruit. There’s an inseparable connection between our roots and the fruit of our lives. Love, when rooted in the Holy Spirit is bears the fruit of commitment through our attitudes and actions, regardless of our situations and circumstances.
The Fruit of The Spirit (Week 1): Roots & Fruit
"Roots & Fruit" discusses the significance of the relationship between the roots and fruit of our lives, emphasizing the importance of being genuine disciples of Jesus. Our actions reflect what is stored in our hearts, similar to how a tree bears good or bad fruit based on its roots.
FAQ (Week 2): The Truth About Heaven & Hell Pt. 2
Whether we spend eternity living life as it's intended to be with heaven and earth interlocked and overlapped or we spend eternity in death separated from God forever depends on whether we accept or reject Jesus. But the choice is ours to make.
FAQ (Week 1): The Truth About Heaven & Hell
Sermon Summary:
"The Truth about Heaven and Hell" distinguishes between primary and secondary issues in matters of faith, urging the followers of Jesus to focus on essential aspects of faith when it comes to understanding concepts like heaven and hell, amidst uncertainties. The sermon discusses the traditional and biblical views of heaven and hell, exploring the interconnectedness of heaven and earth and the consequences of human rebellion. It ends with a call to repentance and faith, highlighting Jesus' role in restoring the relationship between heaven and earth for eternal life.
Study Guide & Discussion Questions:
Download this week’s study guide and discussion questions HERE.
Mother’s Day: Made in the Likeness of God
In order to best reflect His likeness in compassion, grace, love, faithfulness, forgiveness, and justice, God created an entire being and called her "woman." Like Jesus, we must honor our mom's and the women in our lives for who God created them to be.
Love Thy Neighborhood (Week 5): Love Overcomes Everything
The conclusion to our Love Thy Neighborhood series, "Love Overcomes Everything" emphasizes the interconnectedness of loving God and loving people based on What Jesus said in Matthew 22:34 - 40. Loving our neighbors as ourselves is paramount according to Jesus, summarizing the Law and Prophets. The importance of practicing love within the church community as preparation for loving others outside the church is highlighted. By embracing faith in Jesus, believers can overcome obstacles and spread love in their neighborhoods as victorious ambassadors of hope.
Love Thy Neighborhood (week 4): Love Takes Action
An essential theme in 1 John is LOVE. When it comes to loving our neighbors and our neighborhoods, our actions will either confirm or betray what we say we believe in. Love finds its origin in God, and His love goes beyond mere words or feelings, it takes action. God's love goes, gives, and guards. God's love gives us liberty, banishes fear and bolsters the enthusiasm to express love towards others. As believers and followers of Jesus, we not only have a belief in love but we are commissioned to express it through actions.
Click HERE to download this week’s discussion questions & study guide.
Love Thy Neighborhood (Week 3): Resisting The Resistance
In Week 3 of our "Love Thy Neighborhood" we unpack the resistance faced by believers in the pursuit of living out Jesus's teachings. John prepares us for the reality of encountering hate and hostility towards the teachings of Jesus and God's love, especially in environments where these principles aren't accepted or practice. The confrontation of opposition is a necessary step in enacting Jesus' teachings. To do this we have to maintain the right perspective and practice righteousness.
Love Thy Neighborhood (Week 2): The Battle Between Love & Hate
Sermon Summary:
Combining certain elements can create something powerful. This also applies to the supernatural work of loving God and others through Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Hate is described as the absence of deeds of love, which only adds to the importance of actively loving others. The challenge is to reflect on our love for God and our neighbors. Living in hate leads to a denial of God's presence and a destructive reality for everyone involved.
Discussion Questions & Study Guide
Click HERE to download this week’s discussion questions & study guide
Love Thy Neighborhood (Week 1): Walk In the Light & Look In the Mirror
Sermon Summary:
The sermon "Live in the Light and Look in the Mirror" by Pastor Brad McMahan focuses on loving God and our neighbors, drawing inspiration from Mark 12. Believers are called to love and make disciples, following the example of Jesus and John's teachings in 1st John. Self-reflection and confession lead to God's forgiveness and fellowship, enabling believers to share Jesus' message with humility and grace.
Discussion Questions & Study Guide:
Click HERE to download this week’s discussion questions and study guide.