ETHOS Stewardship Resources:
In our series called ETHOS (CLICK HERE to watch the sermon videos), we unpacked how Jesus used conversations, commands, and teaching about money to take the fight to the enemies of greed, envy, anger, insecurity, worry, and shame in our hearts.
On this page you will find free resources that will help you develop the disciplines of Stewardship, Tithing, & Sacrificial giving that Jesus promises will lead to the blessings of peace, joy, satisfaction, and purpose that can only come from Him.
Setting Up Giving and Tithing: Giving through the Church Center App is the easiest way to direct your tithes & offerings to Adventure. Click HERE for instructions on setting up giving through the Church Center App. You can also set up giving through the website by clicking HERE.
Budget Spreadsheet: Whether you have a budget or not, this tool will help you create one by tracking and categorizing your spending. Click HERE to download the Excel file.
You Need A Budget App: If “old-school” spreadsheets aren’t your thing, the budget app that comes highly recommended is called “You Need a Budget” and they offer a free trial period. You can check out the YNAB app by clicking HERE.
FreedUp Stewardship Program: Stewardship isn’t a finance issue, it’s a faith and faithfulness issue. Freed Up is a discipleship journey that helps put us on a path to financial freedom and generosity. The journey takes approximately 6 weeks and includes lifetime access to the Freed Up app, a hard copy workbook, and a community discipleship component. There is a one time $19 fee (*if the fee is not something you are able to cover, please let us know). Click HERE to request access to the Freed Up Program.
Free Financial Counseling: If you need advice or just another set of eyes on your budget/spending/saving plans, we would love to help. Click HERE to set up a confidential financial counseling session.
The Good Sense Movement Blog: Good Sense is the organization that created and developed the Freed Up App. They update their blog regularly with great truth, tips, tricks, tools, and life hacks related to stewardship. Click HERE to access the Good Sense Blog page
We will continue to add more resources to this page so check back regularly. If there’s a resource you’re looking for or if you have questions about the resources available email: Brad@AdventureKY.org